Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 3,2015


Today, we went to Life Monte Verde which is a coffee farm and education center. I didn’t know before coming to Costa Rica how environmentally aware they were. Being here has changed my perception of what being environmentally-friendly really is. I realized that I have a lot to learn. Our guide not only taught us how coffee is produced but he also taught us about sustainability. I found the sustainability piece more interesting. At this particular farm, they believe in creating a natural environment. They grew many different crops not only coffee. They also had many animals and forests. At first it seemed random that they had so many different things but then I learned that all of these things interconnected. The forests were grown to give the coffee plants breaks from the wind. The forest also had rich soil that would run into the coffee fields when it rained. The forest created homes for various species of birds that ate the insects that might eat the coffee plants. The bird served as a natural pesticide. Birds are much healthier for the environment than pouring harsh chemicals on the coffee plants. Beside the corn field, they grew this plant that had a strong odor. This plant also served as a natural pesticide to keep bugs off the corn, again instead of using chemicals. Using natural resources like in these too examples is much better for our environment. Life Monte Verde also used the animals to help fertilize the soil, and they used pigs for methane. This whole farm just amazed me. As a future educator, it is my responsibility to help my students learn what I learned today. It is important that we take action to sustain the earth we live on. Frankly, Earth is our home and without it we would die.  Just like the bird is connected to the life of a coffee bean plant, we are connected with the natural world around us. My students and I are the future of the world and we need to take action to save it. Having a class garden can be one way to take action.

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